Wednesday 17 April 2013


Had a busy few days... Trying to organize quotes for the security doors. I am hoping the fence will be down in early May so we can have some done. It will take 3 weeks or them to be made and I would like them in as soon as possible.

I have arranged for outback landscaping to give us a quote  for landscaping...also in early May.

Also arranged for the connection to the NBN... All set for when we should be moved in. But this has also caused frustration. Since I was talking with Telstra about our needs. They alerted me to the fact the alarm we are having installed as part of the inclusions in our essential package is probably not NBN compatible. Upon further phone calls, this is the case. HSI is giving us a quote to upgrade it, but this is not acceptable to me. Upon tender presentation EB knew we were in a NBN estate, our electrical appoinment were aware we were in an NBN estate. We upgraded data points and alarm features: extra sensors, remote keyfobs, but also a phone point to the unit so that we could have back to base monitoring. This is the problem. It is not NBN ready for back to base monitoring. upon emailing EB they referred me back to the electrical consultant for an upgrade. I am not going to pay for this upgrade. EB and HSI were aware of our needs and did not advise upgrading at the point of needing to. I have escalated this to management as I do not think we should have to pay for the lack of communication and advise. We were not given spec sheets for our included alarm, so we could question  the specifics. An alarm is included in our contract. We upgraded thinking that it would cater for our needs. At the time of the appointment we were shown sensors, strobe lights, internal alarm siren and keypads. We should have been advised here it needed upgrading for our requirements.  At present the "included" alarm plus our upgrades does not meet our requirements. And to think we could have moved in to discover this? EB will give me a decision by Friday.

On a happier note, I could see through the windows wire shelving in our wardrobes.. The linen press doors were open but I couldn't see the shelves. I just wasn't tall enough. In our front bedroom windows I was suprised to see my reflection... The mirrors must be in.. Can't wait to see if our ensuite mirror goes right to the edge of the wall.

And  our pavers were delivered! A busy week and it's only hump day!

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